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Fagerdalen støl
Fagerdalen Støl is as old as the hills, and they have been making cheese in the same way since 1702. They lease the cows from Gurostølen and make the cheese themselves. Fagerdalen is open all summer, and offers, among other things, støl buffets.

This is a støl located above the tree line, by the Stolsvatnet Lake. It is surrounded by the majestic Hallingskarvet, Reineskarvet, and western mountains. Ole Øvrejorde's goat herd enjoys the long summer evenings and gives melk of the best quality.

The Rueslåttens travel to the mountains with all of their cows during the summer. It is a good tradition that provides tranquility for the milkmaid, farmer and the livestock. The cows usually find their favorite spots to graze as the summer mountain landscapes become increasingly lusher with fresh, running water, rich flora, and beautiful views. The mountain milk is of a very high quality—or støl milk, if you prefer that name. Jarle and Rakel take the milk home from the støl to make their cheeses with the summer milk.

Gurostølen is located in Hol municipality, right in the middle, between Oslo and Bergen, along county road 50. At 950 meters elevation, at the foot of Hallingskarvet. The summer mountain dairy farm (stølen) has 400 years of history, which started when Guro, in the 1600s, moved the animals here, to enjoy the wonderful mountain pastures. At that time, it was a requirement for survival as farmer in the mountain villages. In generations, tradition has been made here. A tradition we wish to pass on through the goods we offer today. The milk from mountain pastures has different qualities than normal milk, flavored by the pastures diverse flora which gives rich fatty acids and antioxidants.
Hallingskarvet with its 1933 meter elevation, is the highest point in Hol municipality. Actually, in the entire Buskerud county.

This is the home farm to Kjetil Larsgard. It is a modern farm that has built out and invested in modern agriculture, Norwegian Red cattle, and active mountain dairy farming during the summer. There are 70 cows at the farm located in Hovet, close to the FV 50 highway, which takes you to Aurland in the west and Hol in the east.

Hol Cheesery
Hol Cheesery is the heart of the Cheese Village. Here, you will find sales of local food, outdoor food service, and tourist information.

The Stenberg family came to Rudningen in 1989. Here they have separate rooms for cooking brown goat cheese, butchering meat, and making confectionary treats. The goat shed holds opp to 800 animals. During the summer, the herd is approximately 280 goats; and all of them travel from Rudningen and up to Prestholt.

The Øvrejorde farm is located in Hovet. Øvrejorde's støl is called, Kalvefløto, and is located at 1,200 meters elevation. Øvrejorde delivers goat milk to Rueslætten Cheesery almost all year round for the production of Rød Geit (Red Goat), Kubbeost (Log Cheese) and St. Pål.

Rueslåtten Cheesery
Rueslåtten Cheesery is located adjacent to then Rueslåtten farm. The cheeses are produced at home on the farm all year-round. During the summer, the cows are at their summer mountain dairy farm (støl), Geitevasstølen. Rueslåtten buys their goats’ milk from Øvrejorde.

Hamarsbøen is a medium-sized Norwegian farm, located at 700 meters elevation in Kvisle, with a fantastic view down the Hallingdal Valley. Hamarsbøen delivers winter milk to the Hol Cheesery for production of Lykjylost cheese, Kvitost, and smoked Kvitost. During the summer, both the people and cows from Hamarsbøen move to the Hamarsbøen støl where they produce sour cream and butter. They also deliver cows’ milk to Jakobsplass when they need cows’ milk to produce their soft cheese spread (prim).

The Hamarsbøen farm in Kvisla keeps many traditions alive. One of the really good traditions is to move the livestock in the early summer the old-fashioned way. That means that the whole family takes all of their cows and makes the nice journey by foot. At the støl in Havsdalen, there is a small støl shop that is open during the summer.
Geilo is a modern tourist hub between east and west. Both the RV 7 and FV 40 highways lead to the center of Geilo. In central Geilo, you can find everything that you will need. There are many types of shops, restaurants, a large offer of activities, and beds in all shapes and sizes. Geilo is especially family-friendly.

Prestoholt støl
Prestholt Støl (a summer mountain dairy farm at 1,200 meters elevation) produces and sells cheese during the summer months. The goats’ milk from the støl is driven down to Hol Cheesery for production of Leirgrøv cheese. The home farm is called, Rudningen; and is located in Hol, where the brown goat cheese is produced during the winter.

High up in Skurdalen, at 930 meters elevsstion, you will find the mountain farm, Jakobsplass. They make the cheeses themselves. They buy the cows' milk from Hamarsbøen when they need it for making prim. At Jakobsplass there is also a small farm shop with both cheese and a few other handmade items.

Trine Lilleslåtten from Jakobsplass moves to Skurdalsstølen during the summer. Here she lives very well together with the family and the goats.